Each of the girl's attacks has a different image, but I think that the dialogue lines are recycled/randomized. When the player is defeated, the game will show a special 'freeze frame' shot accompanied by a few voiced lines which (presumably) mock your pitiful performance.
loss screens (I think that these are new, but maybe they were included in 1.00 and my memory just sucks).You can press Ctrl to return to the main menu (or just Alt-F4). When combined with the autopilot setting, this feature causes the game to enter a persistent 'demo mode'. infinite-health can be enabled for both characters.Basically, it just button-mashes keys at random. Causes the player character to defend itself (poorly) from attacks and occasionally land a hit. 'autopilot' mode (enabled via the 'q' key).Thus, if you win the first bout on 'easy', it will shift to 'normal' for the second bout. Previously, the game would always shift to 'very hard' for the second bout. Hxxps://.nz/#!T4w圜DpC!eAHqqFXKUFLjzFD2P0lTJzIfCsgI6eQst4EeUWY97l8 Click to expand.You're correct it's tagged 15+.